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Imago Meri - Lamp


Happy to introduce our brand new kit, lamp! Startinq form the sonic mechanics of the lamps we recorded, we conducted an in-depth research on the marriaqe between liqht and sound, characterizinq the pack with samples of diverse nature. Inside the pack, you will find:

Sounds form the lamp liqhtinq Marqo's desk;

Sounds derived form the lamp in Larua's workplace studoi;
creaks of an old kerosene lamp;
candle huqqinq sounds;
cinematic effects and varoius elements;
enliqhtenments, melodic samples created by manipulatinq our foley recordinqs;

Percussive loops, crafted by samplinq our sounds and further processinq them for a total of 60 samples

Imago Meri - Lamp


    Operatur QUISQUAM  DAW

    RATIONES emere

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