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Choose your pricing plan
Starter Membership
2$Every monthStarter Membership (1MONTH FREE TRIAL)$2 A Month 2 Drum Kits Of Your Choice Over 3000 Kits/Plugins30 day free trial- 1 Drum Kit Every Month For Only $2 A Month
Basic Membership
6$Every monthBasic Membership $6 A Month. 10 drum kits of your choice (Cancel Anytime Over 3000 Kits/Plugins)- 5 Free Drum Kits of your choice Every Month For $6
Silver Membership
10$Every monthSilver Membership $10 A Month. 20 Drum Kits Of Your Choice (Cancel Anytime Over 3000 Kits/Plugins)- 20 Drum Kits Of Your Choice Every Month For Only $10
- Best Value
Gold Membership
18$Every monthGold Membership $18 A Month For Unlimited Drum Kits/Downloads Cancel Anytime Over 3000 Kits/Plugins- Unlimited drum kits for only $18 a month
Annual Unlimited
174.99$Gold membership Unlimited Sound Kits 1 Year Download Everything Cancel Anytime Over 3000 Kits/PluginValid for one year- Save Over $40 With Are One Year Gold Membership Price Plan
Bayan yin rajista har zuwa ɗaya daga cikin biyan kuɗin mu da fatan za a duba adireshin imel ɗin ku (ciki har da babban fayil ɗin takarce) a cikin sa'o'i 24 masu zuwa don karɓar lambar biyan kuɗin ku na musamman kuma fara jin daɗin zazzagewar mu na wata-wata kai tsaye.
Don ƙarin bayani kan kowane babban fakitinmu ko don wani bayani don Allah
''SoSouthern Sound kits changed the way I made music and changed my sound with their authentic industry quality sound kits''.
Thomas Baxley
''Best sounds, changed the game''
Sam Mathews- M Beats
'' Extremely happy with my sound kits, easy and straight forward to download and use''.
Rene Jordan
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