The recommended duration of taking Waklert 150mg is 1-2 weeks and not more. However, it has been reported that this drug can be addictive. Therefore, you should not continue taking it for a longer period. If you feel fine and there is no need to continue taking Waklert, stop taking it. Armodafinil Waklert 150 interacts with recreational drugs. But avoid taking unwanted medications. Avoid alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs while taking Armodafinil 150 mg. Excess caffeine can destroy your health when consuming Waklert and hence you should avoid it.
The recommended duration of taking Waklert 150mg is 1-2 weeks and not more. However, it has been reported that this drug can be addictive. Therefore, you should not continue taking it for a longer period. If you feel fine and there is no need to continue taking Waklert, stop taking it. Armodafinil Waklert 150 interacts with recreational drugs. But avoid taking unwanted medications. Avoid alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs while taking Armodafinil 150 mg. Excess caffeine can destroy your health when consuming Waklert and hence you should avoid it.